Part 285: Robin A
Hey, Robin. Would you mind sending this out with the other deliveries?Letter to the family, eh? So did you finally figure out what to write?
I just wrote the truth: that I miss them and hope to see them again soon.
No tales of glory? No brave words? ...No dismemberment?
Hah! Not this time. I guess restoring the family name will have to wait a bit longer. I simply wrote that I've come a long way, but there's still more to be done. Not the greatest news in the world, but better than silence, I guess.
But it IS great news! I'm sure it'll put their minds at ease.
By telling them how weak I still am?
No, by telling them you know your limits and you're working to overcome them. That's a very mature way of thinking. I'm sure they'll be proud.
Heh heh! you really think so?
I guarantee it! You did great, Ricken. Now get over here!
EWWW! Leggo! No noogies! Stop treating me like a kid! Didn't you JUST finish saying how mature I was?!
Ha ha! Sorry, it's just that hat and those cute wittle cheeks just begging to be pinc--
Come on, knock it off!